A fat dog is not a happy or a healthy dog

Fat-dog-going-nowhereDogs that consume fewer calories than they burn lose weight. American dogs and dog owners are fat and getting fatter. Some are already obese.

It’s now estimated that 45% of all U.S. dogs are either overweight or obese. That’s 35 million dogs with a life-threatening condition. An overweight dog is more likely to suffer from a disabling medical condition like… Diabetes, Arthritis, Heart disease, Pulmonary disease, High blood pressure, Immune dysfunction, and Cancerous tumors.

Be well, live longer.

A recent study proves that dogs maintaining ideal body weight live almost two years longer (and with significantly less disease) than their overweight siblings. An overweight dog is more likely to die at a younger age – you can add nearly two extra years to your dog’s life just by maintaining your pet’s ideal weight.

Chow down couch potatoes

Unfortunately, many fail to recognize a fat dog. Veterinarians report that although nearly 50% of all the dogs they see are overweight, only 17% of pet owners will acknowledge the fact. Obesity is frequently indicative that our dogs are sedentary, couch potato eating machines burning almost no calories. The obesity equation is actually very simple. Dogs that consume more calories than they burn gain weight. Your dog must eat less — and exercise more. That’s all there is to successful weight loss. Best of all, if you work out together, exercise can be great for you, too.

Multi-meals not an all you can eat-all day smorgasbord

Many dogs are fed free choice — which means food is available 24 hours a day. So, the dog eats whenever it wants. Free choice feeding is completely unnatural for any mammal. And (just like us humans), a dog will eat when bored — instead of just when hungry. What’s more, free feeding can contribute to unnatural hormonal changes — which can make weight loss even more challenging. A dog should be fed two to four small portions a day. And the total number of calories for all meals and treats must equal the number of calories desired for weight loss.

Don’t Guess — Measure

It’s critical to actually measure your dog’s food. Never guess. Use an 8 ounce measuring cup… not a coffee cup or a food scoop. Then be sure to dispense the exact amount of food called for in your calculations.

What makes a great weight loss food.

For successful weight loss, choose a super-premium all natural dog food with…

– Above-average protein

– Below-average fat

– Below-average calories

A higher protein content helps a dog feel more satisfied with less begging. This makes it easier for you to stick to the diet. These products also help combat muscle loss… an unwelcome side effect with dieting. Lower calories allows your dog to eat more and still lose weight.

Run for your life

Forty percent of American adults do not participate in any leisure time physical activity. So, no doubt our dogs are just as sedentary. In humans, physical activity has been proven to

– Aid in weight loss

– Lessen heart disease

– Lower cholesterol levels

– Decrease the risk of diabetes

– Control anxiety and depression

– Reduce the risk of certain cancers

– Slow bone loss associated with advancing age

So, get moving. Take a walk. Run. Play fetch. Swim. Climb the stairs. Provide at least 30 minutes of brisk exercise every day.

a_lowfat_nutrabarOur Recommended Dog Food for Weight Loss is NUTRABAR  LOW FAT
with 30% fewer fat calories, but 27% chicken first protein available at Walmart and the NutraBar Store.

One response to “A fat dog is not a happy or a healthy dog

  1. One way of maintaining healthy weight for our dogs is to know what we feed them and be responsible in giving them food. Now, we can only do this if we ourselves prepare the food for them. In this way, we can moderate, balance and mix proper ingredients that will ensure good health for them. Aside from eating, we also need to walk them so they burn every excess fat and have a good blood circulation.

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